
Siratthaya Learning Center has application opening for children who are 3 and a half years old or more. The parents who interested in this application can contact at the learning center to visit and enroll in with the following steps:

1. Visiting and discussing about educational guidelines of the learning center.

Siratthaya Learning Center schedules the parents who interested to listen educational guidelines, course syllabus, living of children in the learning center, including cooperation between home and the learning center on every second Wednesday of every month except end of semester. Before visiting, the learning center encourages the parents to learn about Waldorf Education in order to understand the basic of this educational guideline.

2. Interviewing and enrollment

After discussing and understanding this guideline, we encourage the parents to consult and make careful consideration when back to home. If they decided and agreed to send their child for enrollment, they can contact us to interview. In case of vacancy in the level of enrollment, the learning center will schedule the parent to bring their child to interview. When the child is qualified, the child can enroll with the following necessary documents:

  • A copy of birth certificate
  • An 2-inches formal photo which is not later than 6 months
  • 1 sheet of 4×6-inches family photo
  • Enrollment fee 900 Baht

3. Child qualification

At the end of semester (about February), the learning center will schedule the parent who made enrollment to bring their child to the learning center to test together around two hours of the afternoon to see the child’s development and availability.

After making consideration together with teachers, we will inform the parents before ending the semester to enroll the child.

The Duration of Application

For the child who will enroll in 2020, the learning center will open for application since June 2019 onward.

Contact to enroll: 064 4659624